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The Beginning of Infinity & the “First Principles” of Progress

TL;DR A review of some key ideas from David Deutsch’s The Beginning of Infinity. The world is explainable, because of…

Becoming a Builder

Build, verb: to create something by putting parts together. “The money is gone…we need to tell the employees so they…

Protected: Business Strategy: First Principles Part 2

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5.3 – Understanding Product Management

Product management is just management. However; it is just different enough that it gets it’s own category. It does so…

Business Strategy: First Principles

Problems People have problems, in fact, a great number of problems. Problems like, getting hungry or getting from point a…

Strategy: simple, not easy.

Some businesses are successful, some are not, you can study what makes them different & find patterns. Hamilton Hemler wrote…

8.2 – Understanding Databases

It is tough being you. So many friends with so many personal details to remember & so little time. Maybe…

8.1 – Understanding Docker & Containerization

“Docker, Kubernetes & Microservices, oh my!” TL, DR: Containers (like Docker) can be better than virtual machines because they share…

5.2 – Understanding Software Security

You don’t want just anyone accessing your software and you can’t get into just anyone’s software either. Even when you…

Understanding How To Measure the Age of Old Stuff

TL; DR Most atoms never change, some do. The ones that change do at a rate you can measure, this…

Finding Your Purpose

“Yes – a new day! I can’t wait to wake up every morning, I was born to do this!” Do…