Category: Tech

5.3 – Understanding Product Management

Product management is just management. However; it is just different enough that it gets it’s own category. It does so…

8.1 – Understanding Docker & Containerization

“Docker, Kubernetes & Microservices, oh my!” TL, DR: Containers (like Docker) can be better than virtual machines because they share…

5.2 – Understanding Software Security

You don’t want just anyone accessing your software and you can’t get into just anyone’s software either. Even when you…

5.1 – Understanding APIs

“Data is the new oil.” “What do you do with my data?” “How can we collect more data?”. Whether it…

z10/10 – Understanding Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency

“Crypto” “Bitcoin” “ICOs”. Fake & bubble OR Real & revolution? Let’s talk about how it works and you can get…

2/10 – Understanding Networks

People like information, but they like to share it too, it is a cool part of being human. Since computers…

4/10 – Understanding the Internet

Ahh, the internet, hard to imagine life without it even if we want to sometimes. Despite the central role it…

6/10 – Understanding Software Programming

So you’ve planned out your software and are ready to build it? Threepio is not going to learn this on…